Contented locusts at home

Winter rains from the window

Class vs home? Today my continued cold made the decision for me. Trekking across town was several steps too far for me today — especially in the rain!

So home won out — and happily. I had a fascinating practice. Lots of deep listening to my body in a way I don’t/can’t usually in class.

Amazing things happening in my spine if I pay attention (tiny, tiny changes but big feelings).

Then noticing how what I do with my feet and where I bear the weight had an effect through the pelvis right up to the top of my head. I can’t put this into words. I don’t have the anatomical knowledge to describe it and I don’t conceptualise in terms of nadis or cakras so that doesn’t help me either. All I know is how great it felt. That’ll do for now.

After asana practice I did a guided Yoga Nidrā practice that my teacher had sent me, focusing on the Brahma Vihāras, the four great qualities of joy, compassion, love, and equanimity. Big stuff. But no great fireworks, just a sense of quiet contentment.

And then hunger! So I played with my fancy new blender and made something fruity in a glass. Very nice! No additives required. I am stupidly amazed over and over again at the moment by how nice good fruit and veg taste even completely unadorned. Thank you, Mother Nature!

I also talked to Hubby before his class, listening to his latest thoughts about what’s hurting his back and how to handle it. Yoga — good or bad? Latest discussion about śalabhāsana (locust pose) and how to engage the hamstrings. I think he’s trying to lift his legs from the lower back. I don’t know if that actually makes sense?


These conversations are weird for me. I want to help but I know next to nothing about anatomy. I think most of the time he just wants reassurance and the confidence boost of me agreeing it is OK not to do what the teacher asks if you don’t think it’s right for you. And it’s OK to play around in a pose with a reduced range of movement if that’s what you need.

Nonetheless because I’m a fixer I tried to show him a really simple standing exercise that I thought might help him feel his hamstrings and get more awareness and strength there, before he does the floor work, since I think even lying prone of the floor is uncomfortable for him. Never mind flying like a locust.

Given that I’m currently turning my uncertainty about TT into an art form, I’m not sure if this conversation helped me or hindered me. Let alone him.

I’ll see if he’s limping when he gets back from class!

Śalabhāsana image from Yoga Journal

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