On parade

It was Greek Independence Day last Sunday, so I went to watch the parade. I was even given a Greek flag to wave! Now I knew this was going to be a military thing, but I was still a bit overwhelmed by it. I stood for two hours or so watching endless ranks of military... Continue Reading →

Head first

I was talking with my teacher last month about how frightening I find yoga. I can't figure out why other people don't also seem more scared by it. I was thinking big at the time, about the shifts in one's sense of self and personal identity, about developing a different perception of reality, a new... Continue Reading →

Beware the scorpion

I know I've said it before, but one again I think I've just been to the hardest yoga class ever. Physically, I mean. Well, along with that of course come the challenges of managing my emotions, reactions and fears, as well as trying to keep up some regularity of breathing... So not just physically. I... Continue Reading →

Owls not included

I was up before dawn this morning. Not for morning practice or observance of the Brahma Muhurta! Rather, Hubby had read that the Scops Owl (a cute little thing, I must say) lives in the woodland on the hill just above us in Athens. Although these owls are hard to see, they have a distinctive... Continue Reading →

Yoga in the hood

Watching the news last night I learned that the Greek for 'mafia' is 'mafia' and drugs are 'narkotika'. Both words featured in an item about drug taking and gang violence in a nearby neighbourhood. The same neighbourhood that friends recently warned me about, as a foreigner. Also the neighbourhood where the nearest yoga studio is!... Continue Reading →

Guru in cyberspace

Before I left home for a few weeks, a couple of my students came to talk to me about how they could continue practising while I'm away. I had this great conversation with one student in particular, a newbie who's attended two classes only. I asked her what she wanted in her practice, so I... Continue Reading →

Change of scene

After all the drama about the weather, of course our travel plans ran very smoothly! I'm glad I didn't expend too much energy worrying about it 🙂 I've now escaped the snow and ice back home and relocated (albeit temporarily) to somewhere significantly warmer and sunnier -- Athens. First day was just for settling into... Continue Reading →

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