
I'm reeling. Not just wobbly from physical fatigue as muscles I didn't know I had assert themselves with increasing soreness. I'm also reeling mentally from so many new ideas and possibilities... I'm just back from a weekend of workshops which involved some of the most physically intense asana and pranayama practice I've ever attempted, some... Continue Reading →

Rock and roll

I finished my lunchtime class today with my usual closing words and a namaste. There was total silence and stillness through the room. No-one moved. There wasn’t the usual instant stampede when half the room leap up and rush out, due at their afternoon meetings I assume — or desperately hungry after lunchtime yoga class!... Continue Reading →

Past life

I took a bit of a trip down memory lane this week. In my past life I was an archaeologist and my old field director was in town for just a few hours giving a seminar in the university. Nearly 20 years ago I was an enthusiastic grad student and he was an up-and-coming lecturer,... Continue Reading →

Promises, promises

I feel that yoga promises much. Inherently. If you listen carefully. Sure, there are sometimes big bang fireworks moments where everything (and I mean everything) suddenly hits you with a crystal clarity that life is epically awesome, that you are awesome, and the cosmos is perfect. I feel fortunate that I have experienced something of... Continue Reading →


A yoga friend today told me that her physio advised against asana practice for 24 hours after any bodywork. I'd stopped her as she was rolling up her mat after class and asked her please to sit with me a few minutes. I wasn't ready to leave the room and rush straight back out into... Continue Reading →

Getting serious

I was talking with an experienced teacher recently about to how to keep yoga class (vinyasa specifically) safe. His pointers were really interesting. I was expecting loads of alignment stuff and the need to draw boundaries between being a yoga teacher and being a doctor/physio. But this wasn't it. Sure, he talked some about the... Continue Reading →

New year, old me

So inexorably the year has turned. On social media I see others partying, recovering, and setting intentions for the next 12 months. I've managed the first two of these to some degree, but I don't feel at all ready to look forward yet. There still seems so much unresolved from the previous year. So many... Continue Reading →

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