Stick to the script?

It's been a day of scripts. Several hours in the office toiling at my day job that this afternoon meant sorting out a script for regression testing a website. It's super-boring work, I have to say. When I test I prefer to do it more intuitively starting with the most important functionality and then working my way... Continue Reading →

Podcast Practice

People often recommend particular online classes or youtube videos to me -- well-meaning suggestions for my home practice. Although I know these sorts of resources are very popular I've never used them. How is it even possible to practice while watching a screen? Anyway I find the value of home practice is in having to... Continue Reading →

Lineage of a sort

Recently I've been talking a lot on the phone with my original guru -- my high school classics teacher who was a fundamental influence on my intellectual development. He stopped me being a lazy and arrogant teenage sh*t, he set me on the straight and narrow and kept me there through some pretty tough discipline, and... Continue Reading →

Brexit yoga

Yoga teaches us wise choices and less instinctual reactions. Whatever the 'union' of yoga is, my pragmatic understanding is that it's about achieving a balance of opposites to find a place of greater stability and therefore greater ease. Āsana teaches us that on a basic level in the requirement for strength with flexibility, twisting with... Continue Reading →

Is preparation everything?

I got home from work the other day with one thing on my mind -- that I was going to be home early enough for a totally indulgent, non-rushed, much-needed yoga practice. Time to be alone, away from any responsibilities to others, time for rebuilding myself a little after fragmenting, splintering a little, under competing... Continue Reading →

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