
One of my teachers seems to me to be indomitable. I don't know her well personally, but from what she shares publicly I know she's been through a bunch of sh*t. Most recently she underwent pretty serious surgery and from a distance I followed her steps towards healing and mobility with a sense of awe.... Continue Reading →

Expect the unexpected

It's definitely the end of summer in Greece. The temperature dropped nearly 10 degrees overnight. Yoga practice is always an interesting lens through which to see what's going on more generally as I observe how my practice differs with the weather. As the temperatures varied my practice went from a joyful and adventurous exploration of... Continue Reading →

Beach time

We've been on the beach most days while we're in Greece. The weather is still fabulous, so how could we not! Although the scenery is beautiful with clear calm waters filled with little fish and acres of gold sand, in truth I find long hours at the beach pretty dull. But Aussie Hubby totally loves... Continue Reading →

80 years

Numbers again. This time celebrating a birthday -- my mum's 80th. Not that she's counting. She says this feels ridiculous, that she simply can't believe she's 80. And she doesn't look it, I tell her, and I mean it. We zipped down recently to spend a weekend with her and my dad. Time always flies... Continue Reading →

Back to earth

"I'd like to hold your heart; is that OK with you?" My new life-in-yoga constantly suprises me and this was certainly a question I'd not been asked before. It kind of freaked me out and I said so. "It's OK, take your time; you can tell me when you're ready". So no escaping the heart-holding... Continue Reading →

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