Maha prana

I’ve started including a bit more pranayama in my classes. It’s not something that featured prominently in the classes I attended myself so I’m a bit slow to incorporate it much in my own teaching and lack some confidence in doing so. But suddenly everything I learn about yoga seems to emphasise the nervous system... Continue Reading →


At university when I was struggling to complete my final exams owing to a double combo of ill health and a painful wrist injury my tutor sent me a note (haha pre-email days!) that said ‘courage -- in a French accent’. I loved it. I think of it still when things get tricky. It made... Continue Reading →

Fusion confusion

I am still struck by the poignancy of my dad’s late in life wondering about where he belonged, where he fitted in -- maybe if he fitted in, even. I have felt this throughout my life too and, were it not for the nonplussed confusion on my mum’s face, I could easily have assumed it... Continue Reading →

Groovy chanting

In my online Veda class recently we fell into a group discussion about the challenges of sending our chant recordings to the teacher, the vulnerability of being obviously sh*t at something and doing it anyway, the importance of feedback for correction as well as encouragement, the joy of being seen (or heard) especially in these... Continue Reading →

My dream run

I’m having a lot of dreams at the moment, bad dreams (nightmares even) from which I wake up in a sweat with my heart beating hard, sometimes just a sense of unease or sometimes full-on panic. My first moments of consciousness swirl me back into reality, pulling me out of some strange situation or emotional... Continue Reading →

Life saver

Years ago (when we were all younger!) my teacher would often do a breakout time in his vinyasa class to allow people to practise handstand against the wall. He would come around the room ensuring everyone was working to their level and had an appropriate challenge. When he got to me he kindly asked “can... Continue Reading →

Yin’s a tonic

I just came back from a Yin class. It was a ‘treat’ from Hubby. I say ‘treat’ with a tone of cynicism as I’m not super keen on going to yoga classes at the moment. It’s not that they’re bad in themselves, please don’t misunderstand me. It’s just recent history with yoga studios and what... Continue Reading →

Bad weather

There’s no such thing as bad weather, as the saying goes -- provided you have the right clothing. I’m thinking of this now very literally as the weather in my little corner of the world has got quite suddenly much colder. Out comes my winter-weight parka with the ridiculously furry hood, my favourite mittens --... Continue Reading →

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