Getting creative

Once upon a time creativity in yoga would have meant to me something about nifty sequencing or exploring unusual transitions between poses. Yep, I’m a vinyasa girl! Nowadays creativity is more about generating something for myself rather than being creative or artistic in my yoga practice. I’m exploring how to create more of what I... Continue Reading →


We walked by the river today. A beautiful winter’s day with a blue cloudless sky and discernible warmth from the sun. The footpath was flooded after the recent rain and eventually we had to turn back. Not only was it threatening to wash over the top of my boots, but there was a pull from... Continue Reading →


It seems to be all about observation at the moment. Trying to see (or feel) with more clarity and dispassion. Less drama, less judgment. I've been trying to prep for a private with my teacher, which is always a time for reflection and evaluation, but I'm trying hard within this work not to find myself... Continue Reading →

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Anne Sherve-Ose: Island Girl

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Josephine Corcoran

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