Yoga magic

The choreography of a group yoga class is always a dance between the instructions of the teacher, the harmony of the group, and the needs of the individuals. I often introduce a bit of ‘controlled chaos’ in my class -- aka offering variations, modifications and alternatives, especially if we get anywhere near a ‘peak pose'.... Continue Reading →

Getting creative

Once upon a time creativity in yoga would have meant to me something about nifty sequencing or exploring unusual transitions between poses. Yep, I’m a vinyasa girl! Nowadays creativity is more about generating something for myself rather than being creative or artistic in my yoga practice. I’m exploring how to create more of what I... Continue Reading →

In my hands

I met with my philosophy teacher this evening. I don't meet with her often enough. She doesn't push it, she lets me find my own way. We're both finding our way. She's kind. She lets me talk. She hears my questions and my hesitancy. We talk about commitment and discipline, teachers and authority, prayer and... Continue Reading →

Mindful teaching

I'm part way through teaching a short course on mindfulness to a small group of students. It's my first time teaching a sustained course over two months and my first time teaching mindfulness. I was not at all sure it would work, that I could do it, or what the students would bring to it... Continue Reading →

Feeding the wolf

They say the wolf that grows bigger and thrives is the one you choose to feed. Lately I’ve been taking care what I ‘feed’. Or to put it another way I’ve been taking care how much I listen to the inner critical voices (the wolf inside of me), lessening the amount of fuel I give... Continue Reading →

Knotty thoughts

I tied my first mala recently. I was feeling fragile. I didn't want to move, but I also didn't want to sit silently with my thoughts. What could I do to soothe myself? Somehow making a mala seemed like a good answer. Yoga practice is weird that way. Unexpected answers to questions I never used... Continue Reading →

Movie night

How much do teachers share their own practice with their students? I find this a constant balancing act. How to root teaching in my own experiences and practice while generalizing it enough to be accessible to a group? I went to class recently where I was baffled by a lot of what was offered, not... Continue Reading →

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