Subtle language

One of the funny things about being in Rome was not speaking the language. I'm not used to being in countries where I don't know the language at all (which says more about my limited travel than my vast linguistic abilities!). I flicked through a phrase book on the plane and then just went for... Continue Reading →

Expanding universe

I'm feeling wildly intrepid at the moment. Not that anyone would notice any difference from the outside if they watched my practice. But I'm being adventurous even within my modest shapes. I'm exploring, creeping my way into new territory one breath at a time. No sudden movements, no great disturbances, just patient, persistent exploration. My... Continue Reading →

Gone surfing

Destination reached and now we're properly on holiday after an epic journey. So much impatience in the modern world about arriving when really the idea of travelling half way round the world for a week's holiday is on a certain level quite bizarre. Certainly an indulgence, however you look at it, but one I'm prepared... Continue Reading →

Easy does it

Hubby's started practising a little at home again now. I'm so pleased for him to have got to the point where this feels like a good thing for him. He's rehabbing himself gently and I am so immensely proud of his patience and his quiet efforts. I'm learning so much from him, from hearing him... Continue Reading →

Opening up

I taught a community/charity class at my studio recently. I got some wonderful emails of support beforehand from fellow new graduates. One of them told me that I'd be great provided that I taught from my heart. She's a wise one. She sought me out afterwards: "So how did it go? Did you open your... Continue Reading →

Ground control

Sometimes I get totally overwhelmed with backbends. I'm slowly learning not to, but rather to play the edge without tipping over the precipice completely -- but still... Recently in a crisis moment I've noticed what my body wants to do -- to sit up crossed legged with hands palm down on the mat in front... Continue Reading →

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Josephine Corcoran

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