Maha prana

I’ve started including a bit more pranayama in my classes. It’s not something that featured prominently in the classes I attended myself so I’m a bit slow to incorporate it much in my own teaching and lack some confidence in doing so. But suddenly everything I learn about yoga seems to emphasise the nervous system... Continue Reading →

Yoga magic

The choreography of a group yoga class is always a dance between the instructions of the teacher, the harmony of the group, and the needs of the individuals. I often introduce a bit of ‘controlled chaos’ in my class -- aka offering variations, modifications and alternatives, especially if we get anywhere near a ‘peak pose'.... Continue Reading →


He taught me not to kill spiders just because I am afraid of them. I’m thinking of that now as I make my morning coffee. There’s a spider that’s set up home in the join of the wall to the ceiling. It’s right above my head, as I spoon coffee into the pot. I’m thinking... Continue Reading →

Getting creative

Once upon a time creativity in yoga would have meant to me something about nifty sequencing or exploring unusual transitions between poses. Yep, I’m a vinyasa girl! Nowadays creativity is more about generating something for myself rather than being creative or artistic in my yoga practice. I’m exploring how to create more of what I... Continue Reading →

Hero pose

In my early yoga years I looked up to everyone. The guys with a strength and stamina that intimidating me massively, the flexible girls who effortlessly folded in half or wiggled an ankle behind the neck, the energetic asana teachers who led a packed room through a sweaty sequence, the imperturbable meditation teachers who quietly... Continue Reading →

Days of rest

Two days before I went on vacation I taught a yoga class. It was restorative style. I joked with the students about how difficult I find holiday-time, how it takes me a few days to slide from habitual busyness towards rest and days that are not filled with obligations and self-imposed duties -- yes, they... Continue Reading →

Measuring yoga

Covid-19 cases and deaths in UK remains high (higher than anyone cares to notice or talk about) but strangely life is returning to something vaguely akin to the 'old normal' for many as formal restrictions have been largely lifted. I've been going to in person yoga class again regularly for a while now. The studio... Continue Reading →

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